Bishop Dr. John G. Chinedu
Deputy General Director
Apostle Dr. Morris Durman-Sesay
Executive Director General
Apostle Justice Benz
Director General
Prophet Dr. Marck Buchanan
Director General

Master of Arts in Ministries and Ordinations
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministries and Ordinations program is designed to help prepare servant leaders for a wide variety of ministries in churches or church-related fields. The degree plan permits students to focus on practical, biblical, historical, theological, and general ministry-related course options offered throughout the ministry programs in the College of Ministries and Ordinations, thereby providing a broad, multifaceted exposure to Christian ministry in the 21st century. The degree is appropriate for those interested in church staff positions, para-church Christian ministries, and non-profit organizations.
Why CIU’s M.A. in Christian Ministries and Ordinations?
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry is a generalized curriculum that enables graduates to enter almost any field of Christian ministry.
It takes half the time to earn a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at CIU than it does to earn a traditional Master of Divinity degree at a theological seminary.
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministries and Ordinations faculty bring decades of practical Christian leadership experience into their online, non-classrooms, affording students a broad, realistic, and state-of-the-art understanding of Christian ministry.
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry and Ordinations degree is 100% online, making it available to students located almost anywhere in the world.
The online curriculum offers an innovative approach to higher education. Enrollment is open and students may begin the program at any time. All courses are provided in online, with on-to-one faculty mentoring whenever needed. Students also have free access to our comprehensive Resources Center of THINKWAVE, with links to subject and grades or other related web sites, online libraries.
Transcripts showing student progress are submitted after the mid-term exams and final Transcripts are submitted at the close of each semester.
For graduation, a student must have at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.00.Graduation with honor will be determined according to the following standards:
Honor | Cumulative Grade Point Average |
Cum Laude | 3.57 – 3.69 |
Magna cum Laude | 3.70 – 3.89 |
Summa cum Laude | 3.90 – 4.00 |
Covenant International University and Seminary offers an ordination program that helps to strengthen the pulpit and clergy ministry of the local church. In a day and age where most clergy do not have the opportunity to attend seminary or participate in formal on-campus Bible training, they still have a need to be trained and affirmed for ministry. Covenant International University and Seminary Ministries and Ordination Program is designed to provide affordable and highly accessible Bible training for the serious Kingdom leader.
Covenant International University and Seminary Ministries and Ordination Program can be offered to the individual or used in conjunction with the local church. The local church can utilize CIUS Ministries and Ordination as the institution that provides the training for their clergy for ordination and assists, if so desired, with their public affirmation. If your church desires, CIUS MINISTRIES AND ORDINATIONS can provide customized ordination certificates with the name of the sponsoring local church on the certificate. CIUS MINISTRIES AND ORDINATIONS can assist in taking your local church ministry to the next level by helping to ensure that all of your local church ministers are receiving uniformed Kingdom Bible training.
Covenant International University and Seminary Ministries and Ordination Program is a tremendous opportunity for the local church to participate in structured ministry preparation for those who are called to ministry at the local church level. Covenant International University and Seminary Ministries and Ordinations Program also offers a structured program of ordination for the local church pastor who may never have had the opportunity to complete a structured process of ordination and would like to sharpen their Bible knowledge while contributing more credibility to their five-fold ministry office. Finally, CIUS MINISTRIES AND ORDINATIONS offers ordination for local ministers who have been recommended by their local church for ordination training and preparation.
The ordination process will not only strengthen the Kingdom leader doctrinally, but it will also assist the leader in establishing structured learning skills that will prove to be invaluable throughout the life of your ministry. Covenant International University and Seminary Ministries and Ordinations Program will demonstrate humility and the seriousness of Bible preparation for the call of ministry to those who follow you. The great Apostle Paul went away for three years for his initial study and then another 14 years to ensure that he was doctrinally solid. He also checked his doctrine with the apostles in Galatia and had hands laid upon him by the church leadership. Ordination is an important process in your ministry development and should not be taken lightly. CIUS MINISTRIES AND ORDINATIONS would like to assist you in your ordination process by providing you and your ministry with quality training and a public service of ministry affirmation.